I wanted to share a teaser from my mini documentary on our home birth that happened over the weekend. I am still high on life as I look down at my perfect little baby boy who is so sweet and happy on my boob. We could’t have asked for a nicer afternoon bringing him into the world.
We couldn’t have imagined another way of doing a gentle hypnobirth at home. Together we created yet another loving and peaceful atmosphere to enjoy the moment of seeing his face and holding his little baby body for the first time. I cannot express in words how much my fiancé Brandon does for us. He even filmed this video for me. He has been super involved from the moment we were pregnant to this very moment. The meal prepping, the cooking and cleaning, nightly foot massages , coming to all the appointments, creating a spiritual atmosphere, driving me around, taking care of Oliver…the list REALLY goes on. He is so loving and deserves all the recognition for all he does for me daily.
After about a week overdue with baby number 2, we tried dancing, birth ball exercises, 3 acupuncture sessions, homeopathy, intimacy, nipple stimulation, black & blue cohosh, 3-4 stretch and sweeps. Nothing was bringing it on. With each passing day, we were hoping that baby Hudson would arrive. He was initially due on the 14th of May and then the date changed to the Monday the 21st of May. Mentally, I was prepared for the 2 weeks prior to his arrival, so you can imagine what head space I was in just before he arrived on the Friday the 25th.
To tell you the truth it was the 40ml castor oil smoothie that did the trick. *Disclaimer* (Let me tell you right now that caster oil cramps are the real deal and this smoothie will put most women into labour so do NOT do this unless advised by your OB or midwife please and stay super hydrated.I don’t recommend doing this without being monitored)
I hope you enjoy the video and please leave us a comment or question on YOUTUBE COMMENTS section or below!
Thanks for watching you guys<3
xoxo Anna & Bran