I am sitting here in disbelief that the birth of our second son has just come and gone. All this excitement in just under two years. With our wedding coming up in 4 months, our home is nothing short of love. Now, it is with great pleasure to introduce the arrival of our newest member to the Sinclair family.
Hudson Alexander Sinclair
Born on May 25th 2018 at 10:08pm
7 pounds 7 ounces
Full head of hair
I went into labour at 4pm Friday and he was born 6 hours later. The first 5 hours I didn't even believe I was in real labour and hung out snacking and talking with our midwife, doula and Brandon. I could have sworn I was cramping with gas from the castor oil smoothie I took to induce labour but being overdue and labour stalling that entire week, I didn't believe it was the real deal. It was so mild that we broke my water incase labour stalled and then it kick drove into full gear. I was full on having a great afternoon up to around 6-7cm.

Pushing was much more intense the second time around but that is because I went from 8cm to 10cm in fifteen minutes after breaking my water. Having the hot water birth pool literally melted it all away. Our team at Kensington midwives were outstanding to say the least and it was such a beautiful afternoon overlooking the waterfront and High Park.

We cannot wait to love and care for him and are so lucky to have had the opportunity to have our second child at home. I cannot wait to share our video documentary of both births on the blog as well as the labour & delivery story. Overall it went beautifully and we are all healthy, happy and cozy in bed.
We are so grateful that he is here and cannot wait to introduce him to his big brother tomorrow. Have a beautiful weekend everyone
xoxo Anna & Brandon