Hey Guys, hope everyone enjoyed their Valentines day yesterday! So, today I finally get to share the pictures from my baby's very first photoshoot, which was for PAMPERS CANADA. I guess being an associate casting director, I am lucky to have my eyes on all the casting calls first. When I saw the posting for a newborn shoot, my fiancé Brandon and I jumped on it right away. Oliver has another audition today for a baby brand commercial and we hope he gets the part.
He is such a charismatic baby with a big personality. For some reason, he has this confidence to him and loves being photographed. It was quite funny because a lot of the photos from this shoot, we had to ignore because he was literally staring into the camera and we needed natural action shots. The client didn't want it to look too planned. That is why I think he will do well in Commercial TV. He is very camera friendly.
Oliver-Bradley has been in love with the camera ever since he was born. We already had 2 -3 Agents interested in signing him and are still figurine out who to go with. We filmed our home birth and have been filming him since he was 1 week old. He has his own Instagram which gets more likes on average then my personal Instagram . He is always looking at the camera or a cell phone and posing. we were absolutely thrilled to be a part of one of PAMPERS digital campaigns and love the pictures very much. The photographs were taken none other than Matt Bendo, who is a phenomenal visual artist. Check out his Instagram too. His work is incredible. You have got to check out his reel. The film work he does, is excellent.
These photos were shot on my father in laws front porch in Scarborough, Ontario. Our family is always together. We practically have dinner together almost every night. Oliver was blessed with incredible grandparents who make time for him every day. We were lucky to shoot them comfortably in the privacy of our own place. I think the comfort and safety really translates in these photos. I think we will keep shooting as its fun for the whole family and he loves the adventures. If we ever feel that it doesn't tickle his fancy anymore, we will obviously stop. He's got his foot in the door at 6 months...watch out Brad Pitt!! LOL
- Anna S